


To Upload or Not To Upload

If we could take you, take your essence, upload it to a computer system, and put it in a synthetic replica body, would you do it? Never mind the process, we’ll get to that later, let’s start from whether you’d even want to or not. So let me give you a plausible reason to answer in the affirmative.

Memory Waves

There has been some pretty interesting research happening recently on the formation of memory. It’s long been known that the hippocampus is the area of the brain critical for memory formation. Damage to this area leads to famous examples of people who lose the ability to form new memories, only able to remember things for…

What is this blog about?

This is a blog where many questions will be asked. Some will be answered. But to give you an idea of what you’re getting into, here are the basic ones that keep me up at night. What can a philosophical exploration of the research and ideas coming out of neuroscience, psychology, an evolutionary biology tell…